Mana Ora, Mana Rangatiratanga, Mana Whanau, Mana Motuhake, Mana Tangata
Kaiarahi - Social Worker
Through our Whānau Ora Kaiarahi - Social Work services, we offer personalized support to individuals and families, connecting them with relevant resources and providing them with the tools and skills necessary to achieve their goals and become work-ready. Our team of social workers is dedicated to supporting families during challenging times and empowering them to thrive.
Emergency Transitional Housing
Manurewa Marae, in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development, offers a comprehensive short-term emergency housing program for families. Our dedicated kaimahi (staff) provide personalized support to each tenant, working closely with them to identify and address any additional concerns or challenges they may be facing. This includes connecting them with our internal services, such as Te Manu Aute Whare Oranga (Clinical & Holistic Healthcare) and Whanau Ora, as well as other relevant resources.
Contact Us
Operational Hours
Monday - Friday:
9.30am - 4.00pm
Manurewa Marae
81 FInlayson Avenue, Clendon
Mon - Fri 9:30 - 16:00
Closed Weekends